Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day to night

 I masked out the sky on the Castle and i also masked out the ground on the moon. I also had to copy and paste the moon a little higher because the castle was blocking it. I used curves, levels, and Hue/Saturation. I also used the burn tool to make the grasss and castle a little darker. I made a copy of the trees and flipped it upside down and i went down on the opacity to make a shadow. I also used the burn tool on the shadow.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Meteor Part 2

I decided to take off  both of the steeples and i used the clone stamp to cover up the origional steeple after i copied the tops on another layer. I also put a hole in another building and i tried to give it a fire look by using the smudge tool and the Liquify tool. I still have some more work to make it look like fire. I also created another smoke trail to make it look like another meteor is hitting the building.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meteor Project

I went to filter and then i chose  gaucasion blur and i went to the edit menu and chose fade. I then made another layer and i rendered some clouds and i brought the opacity down a little. I also used hue/saturation to lighten up the image. I just basicly kept choosing gaucasion blur and fade until it started to look like smoke.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Matte painting: man on cliff

 We did some work on the matte painting in class and i used a paintbrush wit soft edge to lighten the sky a little bit. I also used the level, color Balance, hue and saturation to put a lttle more color in it and to lighten it up a bit.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Custom Texture stone and concrete wlls.

 I chose a concrete wall and decided to make a hand painted stone wall. The concrete wall i decided to darken the bolts that was in the wall. I gave it some lines and i brought the opacity down a little bit. I made a couple of selections with the Marquee tool and i filled it in  a different color. I then gave the reddish selection Bevel and emboss, and i gave it a stroke.I also decided to give it curves,levels,hue and saturation. The stone wall i made i drew a bunch of lines to make different shapes of rocks. I made another layer and gave it a cloud filter. I also gave it levels, curves, and color balance. I made another layer and gave some shadow where the rocks meet. I also gave it stroke,bevel and emboss. I made another layer and i used it to paint my rocks different colors.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Brick wall texture part 2

 I made some selections wth the marquee tool and i used the paint bucket tool to fill in my selections, i also put them on a seperate layer and called it"red bricks". I used layer styles to give it more of a textured look. I used stroke,bevel and emboss. I also put a few more cracks in the bricks.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Creating a brick wall texture

I was trying to go for having some cracks in the brick. The first thing i did was i chose a darker color grey and then i used a hard round brush. I made the brush size as small as i could get it and then i made some lines down the cracks. I made sure to make the lines different so it would look more life like. I would make lines from left to right diagonally and then from right to left diagonnally. I would also make sure that the lines are a little crooked because i don't remember actually seeing straight cracks in a wall.